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Projects and Studies 

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Use the map above to display information about active engineering and construction projects.

This information is updated periodically and includes the type & description of the work being done, contract number, location, start date, and expected finish date.  Note that the initial zoom level may cause overlapping of projects/traffic cones.  Please zoom in to identify individual projects using the instructions below.

Map Controls:

  • Reposition/Move Map
    • Left click mouse & drag
    • Two-finger drag (mobile & touch-pad devices)
  • Zoom Map In/Out
    • Use on-screen +/- buttons
    • Roll mouse wheel
    • Two-finger stretch (mobile & touch-pad devices)
  • Display a Project
    • Click traffic cone icon
    • Tap traffic cone icon (mobile & touch-pad devices)

Direct Link to Active Construction Projects Map on Google.

Welcome to the MDTA's Projects and Studies page. Here you will find a list of our major Engineering and Construction Projects and Project Planning Studies.

Projects and services to operate, preserve, maintain, improve and protect MDTA's eight toll facilities are funded through the tolls customers pay to use the agency's facilities. The MDTA combines toll revenue from all facilities to pay operating costs and the debt on bonds that are issued to fund major projects.

For a full list of major capital improvement projects within the Maryland Department of Transportation's (MDOT) six year Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP) click here.

MDTA Engineering & Construction Projects

Northern Region Engineering & Construction Projects:

Central Region Engineering & Construction Projects:

  • Key Bridge Rebuild Project
  • I-695 Sparrows Point Project
  • Cashless Tolling
  • Substructure Bridge Repairs on I-895:
    • Substructure and Superstructure Rehabilitation to Various Bridges on I-895 north of I-695 to Baltimore Harbor Tunnel & I-895 Spur
    • Substructure and Superstructure Rehabilitation to Various Bridges north of the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel to I-95
    • Various Slope and Drainage Repairs along the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel Thruway
    • I-895 Bridge Project
  • Baltimore Harbor Tunnel Ventilation Fan Replacement
  • Fort McHenry Tunnel Lighting Replacement
  • Fort McHenry Tunnel Reconfigure I-95 Moravia Rd. to the Fort McHenry
  • Francis Scott Key Substructure and Superstructure Rehabilitation to Various Bridges on Francis Scott Key Bridge

Southern Region Engineering & Construction Projects:

MDTA Project Planning Studies

Agency Wide Planning Studies:


    AET would provide toll collection at highway speeds through the electronic methods of E-ZPass and Video Tolling, just like on the ICC and I-95 ETL, at Maryland's seven toll plazas. The advantages of such a transition could include reduced travel time; increased safety/reduced crashes; alignment with national practice, which is shifting to AET; improved customer convenience; reduced emissions; and potential long-term reduction in toll collection and maintenance costs. The MDTA submitted a follow-up study report to the legislature on Jan. 1, 2016, as required by House Bill 389 passed during the 2014 legislative session.

    The MDTA addressed the following requirements of the legislation:

    • Analysis of AET in other states with description of various AET programs.
    • Analysis of AET interoperability.
    • Analysis of:
      • Alternative payment methods that do not exceed the existing cash rates.
      • Video Toll rates based on an analysis of actual costs and potential savings to collect Video Tolls.
      • Toll rates needed to address concerns with Video Toll collection of trucks.
    • Analysis of issues and factors related to AET that must be addressed before AET is implemented.
    • Overview of revisions, if any, to the MDTA's initial AET proposal.
    • Proposed legislation, if required, related to implementation of AET.
    • Study Report:

Northern Region Planning Studies:

2040 Maryland Transportation Plan

The Maryland Transportation Plan (MTP) is a 20-year vision for transportation in Maryland. The MTP outlines the State's transportation goals, policies and priorities and helps guide statewide investment decisions across all modes of transportation.

Additional Information:


Public Calendar

Dec 15

DriveEzMD Team - Harford Holiday Event

9 AM

Leidos Field at Ripken Stadium
873 Lond Drive, Aberdeen, MD

Our DriveEzMD Team is in your community! Come talk with us about everything tolling – E-ZPass, Pay-By-Plate & Video Tolling. Pick up an E-ZPass On the Go and save up to 77% on your toll trips.

December 15
5pm – 8pm

Harford Holiday Event
Leidos Field at Ripken Stadium
873 Lond Drive, Aberdeen, MD

Dec 19

MDTA Board Meeting - December 19, 2024

9 AM

Meeting Location Change: MDTA ETL Project Office, 8019 Corporate Drive, Suite F, Nottingham, MD 21236 - Large Conference Room

This public meeting is livestreamed and archived on the MDTA Board Meeting Homepage. The MDTA Board Meeting homepage also provides access to the meeting schedule, materials, agenda and minutes.

Meeting Location Change: MDTA ETL Project Office, 8019 Corporate Drive, Suite F, Nottingham, MD 21236 - Large Conference Room

Dec 21

DriveEzMD Team - Raven’s Walk VS Steelers

1 PM

1101 Russell St
Baltimore, MD 21230

Our DriveEzMD Team is in your community! Come talk with us about everything tolling – E-ZPass, Pay-By-Plate & Video Tolling. Pick up an E-ZPass On the Go and save up to 77% on your toll trips.

E-ZPass logo


Save time with an E-ZPass.

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