Step 1: Development of Preliminary Alternates
Seven preliminary alternates were presented to the public at the 2007 Alternates Public Workshops. To view images of the preliminary alternates, please click here.
The preliminary alternates presented at the workshops were evaluated, refined, and retained for detailed study.
Step 2: Alternates Retained for Detailed Study
The project team carried the seven alternates forward to evaluate further. These are referred to as the alternates retained for detailed study (ARDS). Per new Maryland Senate Bill 492, bicycle and pedestrian options were incorporated into each of the build alternates. To view images of the seven alternates and options, please click here.
Comments from the public, as well as input from federal, state and local government agencies were considered when determining which alternates to carry forward. The project team then assessed each alternate to identify the positive and negative effects it would have on the surrounding area. The assessment included determining how each alternates would affect traffic operations and capacity, as well as how each would affect the surrounding communities, businesses, and natural environment. The results of the assessment of the alternates are included in the draft environmental document, which was available for public review in summer/fall 2009 and presented at the project's public hearings in fall 2009.
For more detailed information on the alternates retained for detailed study, please go to the Documents tab above to download the Combined Purpose and Need & Alternates Retained for Detailed Study (ARDS) Package.
On September 29, 2010, agency concurrence was received on MDTA's Preferred Alternate and Conceptual Mitigation, and on November 27, 2012, the project's final environmental document was approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). This project is now a candidate for MDTA capital improvement project funds. Funding is not currently available for future project phases, including final design, right-of-way, and construction. Click here to view the Project Schedule.