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I-95 at Belvidere Interchange Project

I-95 At Belvidere Road Interchange - Home


The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) is adding an interchange at I-95 and Belvidere Road that will accommodate future economic growth of the nearby Cecil County Enterprise Zone, provide more direct access to and from I-95 for trucks accessing the Zone thereby reducing truck volumes on US 40, MD 222, and MD 272, replace the existing Belvidere Road overpass with a new structure designed to convey traffic between I-95 and Belvidere Road and, include environmental mitigation and reforestation measures.

A $20 million Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Transportation Discretionary Grant was awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation to Cecil County in 2018 to support the new interchange. The project met the grant criteria for safety, economic competitiveness, quality of life, environmental protection, state of good repair, innovation, partnership, and additional non-Federal revenue for infrastructure investments. Additional information on the grant can be found here.

Under MDTA’s supervision, the $65 million design-build job is being performed by Concrete General, Inc. with design by Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP.

Belvidere Road - New Interchange

Project Fast Facts

  • Improved access from I-95 to the Principio Business Park
  • Reduce heavy truck traffic on local roads
  • Improved Level of Service on local roads
  • Reduction of vehicles travelling through high-crash intersections
  • A design offering the best operational, safety, and efficiency benefits with minimal environmental impacts



Traffic Alert

Alternating Single-Lane Traffic on Belvidere Road Over I-95 Begins May 30

Beginning Thursday, May 30, 2024, Belvidere Road over I-95 will switch to an alternating traffic pattern maintained in a single lane using a temporary traffic signal. This new traffic pattern is needed to complete the reconstruction of the Belvidere Road bridge over I-95 and is expected to be in effect until early summer 2026. Minor traffic delays are anticipated. Drivers using Belvidere Road should consider alternate routes. Access to all private residences will be maintained throughout the duration of the project.

Traffic map traffic alert to learn more.

Temporary Lane Closures on I-95 to Occur April 8-10, 2024


Starting on Monday, April 8, 2024, temporary lane closures will be in effect, weather permitting, on I-95 to facilitate construction of the new interchange at Belvidere Road in Cecil County. Daytime median shoulder and single lane closures will be in place on Monday, April 8, from 6am to 2:30pm, and Tuesday, April 10 from 9am to 3:30pm. Nighttime median shoulder and double lane closures will be in place from 9pm on Wednesday, April 10, until 5am in the southbound direction, and 10am in the northbound direction.

Contact Information

Jason Stolicny, P.E.

Maryland Transportation Authority

Office of Engineering and Construction

300 Authority Drive

Baltimore, MD 21222


Public Calendar

Mar 27

MDTA Board Meeting - March 27, 2025

9 AM


This public meeting is livestreamed and archived on the MDTA Board Meeting Homepage. The MDTA Board Meeting homepage also provides access to the meeting schedule, materials, agenda and minutes.

Apr 03

Capital Committee Meeting - April 3, 2025

9 AM


This public meeting is livestreamed and archived on the Capital Committee Meeting Homepage. The Capital Committee Meeting homepage also provides access to the virtual meeting, schedule, agenda, materials and minutes.

Apr 10

Finance and Administration Committee Meeting - April 10, 2025

9 AM


This public meeting is livestreamed and archived on the Finance and Administration Committee Meeting Homepage. The Finance and Administration Committee Meeting homepage also provides access to the virtual meeting, schedule, agenda, materials and minutes.

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