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MD 24 Interchange / Two-Lane ETL Extension

As part of the Maryland Transportation Authority’s (MDTA) $1.1 billion program to relieve congestion and improve travel along the I-95 Corridor into Harford County, the MDTA is reconstructing the interchange at I-95 and MD 24 (Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway) to accommodate the future northbound I-95 Express Toll Lanes (ETL).

Project Highlights 

The MD 24 interchange reconfiguration requires changes to existing traffic patterns that include the removal or addition of ramps resulting in new ways drivers will access I-95, MD 24, and MD 924. The existing loop ramp from northbound MD 24 to southbound I-95 will be removed and replaced with a new ramp which traffic will access via a left turn at a new signal-controlled intersection. The existing loop ramp from northbound I-95 to northbound MD 924 will be widened to a two-lane loop ramp for all MD 24 and MD 924 traffic. This traffic will be separated from other northbound MD 24 traffic until it crosses over I-95 at which point the ramp will be split where travelers can go left to continue north to MD 24 or go right to access MD 924. Northbound MD 24 traffic coming from south of the interchange will access MD 924 via a new ramp. Southbound I-95 traffic will continue to access MD 924 via the existing ramp. MD 24 traffic will be directed to the realigned loop ramp. Other ramps will remain with realignment modifications to accommodate the ETL lanes.

Other project highlights include: 

  • Roadway 
    • Provide an overlay or reconstruct approximately two miles of northbound I-95 to add two northbound ETLs from south of Old Joppa Road to north of MD 24. 
    • Reconstruct approximately 0.8 miles of MD 24 from Edgewood Road to MD 924/Tollgate Road.
    • Construct new ETL ramp from northbound I-95 to MD 24.  
    • Install new traffic signal at the intersection of MD 24 and the new ETL ramp.
  • Structures 
    • Reconstruct MD 24 overpass 
    • Construct new ETL ramp structure from I-95 to MD 24
    • Construct new overpass on ramp from northbound MD 24 to MD 924 
    • Widen Winters Run Bridge to its ultimate configuration for future southbound ETL improvements (not currently funded) 
    • Build ten retaining walls 
  • Install new signage including dynamic message and toll information signage 
  • Install new Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Provide partial interchange lighting at traffic decision points
  • Perform drainage work and storm water management 
  • Provide landscaping 
    • Turf grass/meadow establishment 
    • On-site reforestation 
    • Tree plantings adjacent to streams for thermal protection 
    • Landscaping at storm water management facilities 


About Construction

Work associated with this project has started and is anticipated to be completed by fall of 2027. All I-95 travel lanes and all traffic operations on MD 24 will be maintained during peak-traffic periods; however, some travel lanes will be closed during off-peak periods. Drivers should use caution and obey the posted speed limits within the construction zone and are encouraged to sign up for email alerts of traffic advisories and notices. 

Initial Construction 

Initial construction work will consist of shifting I-95 traffic in both northbound and southbound directions to the outside lanes to permit work to begin in the median areas. The off-ramp from I-95 southbound to MD 24 northbound will be realigned with temporary closures and detours in place. For traffic on MD 24, the on-ramp to I-95 southbound will be realigned with temporary closures and detours in place. All closures will be announced in advance via traffic alerts posted on the website and through social media. 


Public Calendar

Dec 04


6 PM

Virtual Open House

Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study Tier 2 NEPA - Open Houses Dec.4, 9, and 11

On December 4, 9, and 11, 2024, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) will host Open Houses for the Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study: Tier 2 NEPA (Tier 2 Study). 

Virtual Open House
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
(6-8 p.m.)

Follow link to learn more:

Dec 05

Finance and Administration Committee Meeting - December 5, 2024

9 AM


This public meeting is livestreamed and archived on the Finance and Administration Committee Meeting Homepage. The Finance and Administration Committee Meeting homepage also provides access to the virtual meeting, schedule, agenda, materials and minutes.

Dec 09


6 PM

Broadneck High School
1265 Green Holly Dr.
Annapolis, MD 21409

Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study Tier 2 NEPA - Open Houses Dec.4, 9, and 11

On December 4, 9, and 11, 2024, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) will host Open Houses for the Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study: Tier 2 NEPA (Tier 2 Study). 

Anne Arundel County
Monday, December 9, 2024
(6-8 p.m.)
Broadneck High School
1265 Green Holly Dr.
Annapolis, MD 21409

Follow link to learn more:


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