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I-95 Express Toll Lanes (ETL) Northbound Extension Project
(Section 200) & I-695 Ramps to Northbound I-95 ETL Tolling Plan

Public Comment Period #2 is now closed.

The final vote for the recommended proposal will be held at the June 29, 2023 MDTA Board Meeting. Pre-registration is required to comment on the final recommendation during the June 29 MDTA Board Meeting, and those offering comments are required to attend the meeting in-person at the MDTA, 2310 Broening Highway, Baltimore, MD 21224.

The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Board on December 15, 2022,voted to seek public comment on the proposed tolling plan shown below for the I-95 Express Toll Lanes (ETL) Northbound Extension (Section 200) and I-695 ramps. The I-95 ETL Northbound Extension limits include the northbound ETL lanes on I-95 from MD 43 to north of MD 24. 

The project combines safety and environmental enhancements, congestion relief, new community noise walls, multimodal opportunities and system preservation efforts along a 11.7-mile corridor of the East Coast’s most important interstate route in Baltimore and Harford counties.



The MDTA is seeking public comments on the toll rate ranges proposal for the I-95 ETL Northbound Extension (Section 200) and I-695 ramps. The first public comment period closed April 13, 2023. MDTA held a series of public hearings to receive public comments on the proposed tolling plan. The second public comment period will open April 27, 2023. The purpose of the hearings was to:

  • Notify the public that the proposed toll rate ranges for the I-95 ETL Northbound Extension (Section 200) and I-695 ramps match the toll rate ranges already set for the open/existing I-95 ETL facility (Section 100).
  • Provide opportunity to discuss the proposed toll rate ranges with MDTA staff.
  • Provide opportunity to comment for the official record, which will be considered by the MDTA Board Members as part of their final decision making process.
Toll Rate Ranges Proposal

The proposed toll rate ranges for the I-95 Northbound Extension (Section 200) and I-695 ramps to northbound I-95 ETL match the toll rate ranges already set for the open/existing I-95 ETL facility (Section 100).

Existing per mile toll rate ranges, if applied to the Northbound Extension, are projected to continue high speed operations on I-95 through 2035.



Proposed Per-Mile Toll Rate Ranges for the I-95 ETL Northbound Extension Project (Section 200) and I-695 Ramps – Phased openings in Winter 2024/2025 and Winter 2027/2028


  • Total unregistered video surcharge (difference between ETC/E-ZPass® toll and unregistered video toll amount) cannot exceed $15 per trip.
  • The minimum trip toll (not per mile) by payment type for all vehicle types would be $0.40 for customers using E-ZPass, $0.50 for customers using Pay-By-Plate (Registered Video), and $1.00 for customers using Video Tolling (Unregistered Video).
  • Customers can receive an early payment discount of 15% off their toll up to $5 for unregistered video trips if paid before notice is mailed.


ETL  Pricing Periods (Same as the Existing ETL Pricing Periods)
Per COMAR, on certain holidays and the days immediately before or after, the Executive Director may set or adjust the time of day pricing mileage rate, pricing period, or toll zones consistent with the toll rate range established by the MDTA Board under these regulations. The MDTA shall post notice of such action by the Executive Director on the MDTA’s official website at least 10 days prior to the effective date. 

Peak Periods:

  • Southbound:
    • Monday – Friday: 6AM – 9AM
    • Saturday: 12PM – 2PM
    • Sunday: 2PM – 5PM
  • Northbound:
    • Monday – Friday: 3PM – 7PM
    • Saturday: 12PM – 2 PM
    • Sunday: 2PM – 5PM

Overnight Periods:

  • Southbound and Northbound, Monday – Sunday: 9PM – 5AM

Off-Peak Periods:

  • All other times   
  • There are no E-ZPass Maryland Discounts on the ETL.    
Public Hearings

Two in-person public hearings and one virtual public hearing were held by the MDTA Board to receive public and private testimony about the proposed tolling plan. All hearings were held from 5:30-8:00 PM. Sign-in and displays were available at 5:30 PM and formal testimony began at 6:00 PM. Registration for public testimony closed at 7:30 PM.


February 27, 2023
Perry Hall High School (Cafeteria)
4601 Ebenezer Rd.
Nottingham, MD 21236

Listen to audio of the in-person public hearing.


March 2, 2023
Watch the virtual public hearing.


March 6, 2023
Joppatowne High School
(Media Center)
555 Joppa Farm Rd.
Joppatowne, MD 21085

Listen to audio of the in-person public hearing.

Individuals who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act or who require translation services (free of charge) should contact the Title VI Office at or 410-537-5660 (711 for Maryland Relay) no later than three (3) business days before the date of the hearing they wish to attend.

Public Hearing Display Boards

How to Comment

Members of the public may submit comments for the official record on the I-95 ETL Northbound Extension (Section 200) and I-695 ramps to northbound I-95 ETL tolling rate ranges prior to the final vote at the June 29, 2023 MDTA Board Meeting. The Board will accept any additional public comment during the meeting prior to voting to approve the toll rate ranges. Pre-registration is required to comment on the final recommendation during the June 29 MDTA Board Meeting, and those offering comments are required to attend the meeting in-person at the MDTA, 2310 Broening Highway, Baltimore, MD 21224.

If you wish to comment on an agenda item please email your name, affiliation, and the agenda item to You MUST pre-register and attend the meeting in person in order to comment. Once pre-registered, all pertinent information will be emailed to you.

Title VI

Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Acts of 1964 and related nondiscrimination authorities, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) is required to ensure that all citizens have an opportunity to comment and provide feedback on transportation projects, programs and activities that may affect their communities. 

To assist our agency in its efforts to comply with Title VI, we are seeking your feedback to the following questions below in order for us to evaluate the effectiveness of our outreach and inclusion efforts. Your participation in this survey is voluntary and anonymous.  All information collected by the MDTA is kept confidential and will be retained solely for statistical data collection purposes only.


Public Calendar

Mar 27

MDTA Board Meeting - March 27, 2025

9 AM


This public meeting is livestreamed and archived on the MDTA Board Meeting Homepage. The MDTA Board Meeting homepage also provides access to the meeting schedule, materials, agenda and minutes.

Apr 03

Capital Committee Meeting - April 3, 2025

9 AM


This public meeting is livestreamed and archived on the Capital Committee Meeting Homepage. The Capital Committee Meeting homepage also provides access to the virtual meeting, schedule, agenda, materials and minutes.

Apr 10

Finance and Administration Committee Meeting - April 10, 2025

9 AM


This public meeting is livestreamed and archived on the Finance and Administration Committee Meeting Homepage. The Finance and Administration Committee Meeting homepage also provides access to the virtual meeting, schedule, agenda, materials and minutes.

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