Wide-loads Restricted Westbound During Temporary Closures
Westbound Right Lane Remains Closed 24/7 for #BayBridgeWork
BALTIMORE, MD – As part of the #BayBridgeWork, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) will temporarily close the center lane of the westbound William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial (Bay) Bridge (US 50/301) from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on weekdays starting tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 5, weather and traffic volumes permitting. This off-peak timeframe avoids impacts during morning and afternoon rush hours. The MDTA will continue to evaluate this timeframe and may adjust the work schedule based on weather and traffic volume determination.
As discussed with local officials, with fall upon us and temperatures dropping, crews are taking advantage of the warmer temperatures during daytime hours. The latex modified concrete overlay material used for the project needs to be placed at temperatures of at least 45 degrees, with at least a double-lane closure in effect. The concrete overlay is currently being placed overnight, but the work window is shrinking as temperatures are regularly dropping below 45 degrees.
Due to the 11-foot lanes, wide-loads (permit vehicles greater than 10 feet wide) will be restricted during this temporary closure and should adjust westbound travel times. Wide-load operators can sign up for email/text alerts at mdta.maryland.gov and subscribe to #BayBridgeWork Commercial Vehicle Notifications.
As announced last week, the MDTA is moving forward on a series of steps to shorten the duration of the #BayBridgeWork and mitigate traffic impact on commuters, visitors, and local residents. Closing the center lane temporarily during daytime hours will continue these efforts to expedite the project.
Motorists should continue to expect delays and stay alert in work zones. For the latest on Bay Bridge traffic, call 1-877-BAYSPAN (229-7726) or visit baybridge.com. To sign up for email/text alerts or to view real-time traffic camera images on MDTA roadways, visit mdta.maryland.gov. For updates on major incidents follow the MDTA on Twitter at twitter.com/TheMDTA. Find us on Facebook at facebook.com/TheMDTA.