Disciplinary Hearing Boards
The Maryland Transportation Authority Police (MDTA Police) conducts disciplinary hearing boards in accordance with the Maryland Law Enforcement Officer's Bill of Rights (LEOBR). Pursuant to the LEOBR, if the investigation or interrogation of a law enforcement officer results in a recommendation of demotion, dismissal, transfer, loss of pay, reassignment, or similar action that is considered punitive, the law enforcement officer is entitled to a hearing on the issues by a hearing board before the law enforcement agency takes that action. A law enforcement officer who has been convicted of a felony is not entitled to a hearing under this section.
- Effective October 1, 2016, hearing boards are open to the public, unless the chief finds a hearing must be closed for good cause, including to protect a confidential informant, an undercover officer, or a child witness.
- Audio/video recording of the hearing board proceedings by members of the public is prohibited.
- Members of the public will be subject to security inspections prior to viewing the hearing board proceedings.
- All hearing boards will take place at MDTA Police Headquarters, located at 4330 Broening Highway Baltimore, Maryland 21222, unless otherwise noted.
- Anyone planning to attend a meeting announced below who wishes to receive auxiliary aids, services, or accommodations is invited to contact the MDTA Police Internal Affairs Unit at 410-295-8143 (MD Relay at 711) at least 48 hours in advance.
There are no Disciplinary Hearing Boards scheduled at this time.
Location: MDTA Police Headquarters, 4330 Broening Highway, Baltimore, Maryland 21222